Women's Kickboxing vs. Muay Thai - Women's Kickboxing in Philadelphia
A lot of women have been inquiring about the differences between our Women’s Kickboxing classes and our Muay Thai Classes. We figured we’d make it easy and pop up a little blog post.
The simple explanation is:
Our Women’s Kickboxing program focuses around cardio and a great workout.
Our Muay Thai Program focuses on the techniques and skills needed to win & excel in Muay Thai competition. (Though many students will never step into the ring and compete, the Muay Thai that we teach is effective, applicable technique used in Muay Thai fights.)
In Women’s Kickboxing you will never hit someone else or be hit. You will train primarily on the bag and in fitness circuits. Classes are physically demanding, but administered in such a way that students have the ability to set their own pace and modify the workout if needed. Seasoned fighters and first time weekend warriors can take the class side by side and both get a very good workout in. To learn more about the specifics, click here.
As the name shows, only women train in the classes. No other classes are administered during the sessions, and we hope it provides a welcoming space to let loose and crush a good workout. For some, the program is a stepping stone into our Muay Thai program; for others, the program is their home. No experience is necessary to strap on a pair of gloves and jump into class.
Coach Casey, with her steadfast assistant Toby, alongside some of our WKB students
Our Muay Thai program is co-ed and focuses more on technique and ring strategy, instead of primarily providing a good workout. In the ‘All-Levels’ Muay Thai classes, you will not spar (physically compete against other students for the sake of practice and competition simulation). However, there is physical contact in the forms of pad holding, clinching, and drilling. Classes are technique driven with a pretty balanced portion of the class focused on physically demanding fitness and Muay Thai drills (such as bag work and pad work) and technique-focused skill building.
No experience is necessary to enroll in the Muay Thai program. To learn more about our Muay Thai program click here.
Drilling Muay Thai technique.
Any woman enrolled in the Muay Thai program is welcome to any Women’s Kickboxing class. However, if you enroll in only Women’s Muay Thai, you are limited to those classes. We also have drop in rates, but strongly recommend monthly membership as you are much more likely to pick up technique and feel like a member of the community.
If you have any questions about Women’s Kickboxing in Philadelphia, drop us a line or email us at info@junipermuaythai.com